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  <div id="title">
    <a href="/">Varun Barad</a>
      <li><a href="/blog/">Blog</a></li>
      <li><a href="/projects/">Projects</a></li>
      <li><a href="/books/">Books</a></li>
      <li><a href="/ideas/">Ideas</a></li>
      <li><a href="/contact/">Contact</a></li>
      <li><a href="/resume/">My Resume</a></li>
    <p style="margin: 0; padding: 8px; text-align: center; color: #ffffff44;">This website is going under a redesign slowly</p>

  <h1>Blog (#android)</h1>

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    <a href="/blog.html" class="badge">#all</a>

  <div class="periods-wrapper">
      <div class="period">
        <h2 class="period-title">2020 (4)</h2>

        <div class="post-list">
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/prevent-back-navigation-to-login-screen.html" class="post-title">Prevent back navigation to login screen</a>
              <span class="post-description">The guide to correct way of preventing back navigation to login screens once user is logged-in</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/keep-android-screen-on-when-usb-connected.html" class="post-title">Keep Android screen on When USB is connected</a>
              <span class="post-description">Use the command `adb shell svc power stayon usb`</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/write-custom-android-lint-rule-manifest-file.html" class="post-title">Write Custom Android Lint Rule - Manifest File</a>
              <span class="post-description">Writing our own custom android lint rules for verifying AndroidManifest file.</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/write-custom-android-lint-rule-layout-files.html" class="post-title">Write Custom Android Lint Rule - Layout Files</a>
              <span class="post-description">Writing our own custom android lint rules for verifying layout files.</span>
      <div class="period">
        <h2 class="period-title">2019 (3)</h2>

        <div class="post-list">
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/testing-deep-link-urls-using-adb.html" class="post-title">Testing Deep-Link URLs using ADB</a>
              <span class="post-description">Simple adb command to help you fire deep-link url in mobile from your console.</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/http-network-requests-on-android-pie.html" class="post-title">HTTP Network Requests on Android Pie</a>
              <span class="post-description">Android Pie only allows HTTPS traffic by default & blocks all HTTP requests. You can enable HTTP communication for your API endpoints once you have configured this little thing.</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/show-hide-android-layout-bounds.html" class="post-title">Show/Hide Layout Bounds in Android</a>
              <span class="post-description">A couple of scripts that help to toggle display of layout-bounds on connected Android device using ADB.</span>
      <div class="period">
        <h2 class="period-title">2018 (4)</h2>

        <div class="post-list">
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/critical-mistakes-to-avoid-in-android-development.html" class="post-title">Critical mistakes to avoid in Android development</a>
              <span class="post-description">Charlie Munger has said that avoiding to be stupid is more beneficial when compared to trying to be intelligent. So, let's take a look at some mistakes that we can avoid while walking the path of Android development.</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/simplifying-user-experience-for-rating-your-android-app.html" class="post-title">Simplifying User-Experience for rating your Android app</a>
              <span class="post-description">Make it easy for your users to rate your Android app.</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/check-network-connectivity-on-android-in-10-lines.html" class="post-title">Check network connectivity on Android in 10 lines</a>
              <span class="post-description">Let's see how simple it is to show correct feedback to user on whether they are connected to the network or not in Android.</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/hiding-api-keys-from-your-android-repository.html" class="post-title">Hiding API keys from your Android repository</a>
              <span class="post-description">Learn how to secure your API keys while keeping the source code for that Android app open-source.</span>

    © 2023 🚀 Varun Barad
