Varun Barad

This website is going under a redesign slowly

Blog (#tools)

#book-highlights #android #medicine #tools #programming #personal-growth #rx-java #web #javascript-30 #flutter #dart #life-hack #privacy #miscellaneous #interesting #fitness #cheat-sheet #til #javascript #project #python #wracker #typractice #computers #all


🐍 Packaging my first Python tool
My experience of packaging my first Python tool


🐳 Starting docker on demand
How to avoid not having docker running when you run docker or docker-compose commands


Windows Symlink
How to create a Linux-like symlink on Windows


Show/Hide Layout Bounds in Android
A couple of scripts that help to toggle display of layout-bounds on connected Android device using ADB.

Creating a single-file backup of your git repository
I created a python script which creates a zip-file containing the git-bundle and all the patch-files for different stashed changes in your repository.