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  <div id="title">
    <a href="/">Varun Barad</a>
      <li><a href="/blog/">Blog</a></li>
      <li><a href="/projects/">Projects</a></li>
      <li><a href="/books/">Books</a></li>
      <li><a href="/ideas/">Ideas</a></li>
      <li><a href="/contact/">Contact</a></li>
      <li><a href="/resume/">My Resume</a></li>
    <p style="margin: 0; padding: 8px; text-align: center; color: #ffffff44;">This website is going under a redesign slowly</p>

  <h1>Blog (#programming)</h1>

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      <a href="/category/til" class="badge">#til</a>
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      <a href="/category/typractice" class="badge">#typractice</a>
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      <a href="/category/wracker" class="badge">#wracker</a>
    <a href="/blog.html" class="badge">#all</a>

  <div class="periods-wrapper">
      <div class="period">
        <h2 class="period-title">2024 (2)</h2>

        <div class="post-list">
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/github-actions-input-types.html" class="post-title">Not all booleans are created equal on GitHub Actions</a>
              <span class="post-description">How to get an actual boolean input value on a manually run GitHub Action</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/packaging-python-tools.html" class="post-title">🐍 Packaging my first Python tool</a>
              <span class="post-description">My experience of packaging my first Python tool</span>
      <div class="period">
        <h2 class="period-title">2023 (11)</h2>

        <div class="post-list">
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/wracker-log-003.html" class="post-title">⚖️ Wracker Dev Log #003</a>
              <span class="post-description">Adding a graph and moving away from django</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/typractice-paragraph-summaries.html" class="post-title">⌨️ Paragraph performance summaries</a>
              <span class="post-description">I added a chart to show your progress over time</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/typractice-stats-chart.html" class="post-title">⌨️ Showing historical statistics</a>
              <span class="post-description">I added a chart to show your progress over time</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/wracker-log-002.html" class="post-title">⚖️ Wracker Dev Log #002</a>
              <span class="post-description">My experience making a usable form and working with HTML <code>&lt;table&gt;</code> for the first time</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/til-handle-404-node-express.html" class="post-title">📝 Custom 404 in Express</a>
              <span class="post-description">TIL: How to return custom response for a 404 in Express on NodeJS</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/project-typractice.html" class="post-title">⌨️ Typractice</a>
              <span class="post-description">A simple website to practice your typing</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/emoji-as-favicon.html" class="post-title">📝 Using emoji as a favicon</a>
              <span class="post-description">TIL: How to write a simple SVG which renders an emoji as a favicon</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/wracker-log-001.html" class="post-title">⚖️ Wracker Dev Log #001</a>
              <span class="post-description">How I headbutted with Django setup the whole day for it to finally click around midnight</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/til-python-save-dependency-list.html" class="post-title">📝 Save dependency list of your python project to a file</a>
              <span class="post-description">TIL: How to do for python what we get with `dependencies` in npm `package.json`</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/group-posts-by-year-jekyll.html" class="post-title">Group posts by year in Jekyll using Liquid</a>
              <span class="post-description">You can use the `group_by_exp` filter in Liquid to group posts by year</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/contacts-calendar.html" class="post-title">Contacts Calendar</a>
              <span class="post-description">A website which lets you export a calendar of important dates from your Google Contacts</span>
      <div class="period">
        <h2 class="period-title">2021 (1)</h2>

        <div class="post-list">
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/improvement-roll.html" class="post-title">Improvement Roll</a>
              <span class="post-description">A tiny website to suggest you useful things to do in down-time</span>
      <div class="period">
        <h2 class="period-title">2020 (9)</h2>

        <div class="post-list">
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/java-convert-localdatetime-to-instant-using-zoneid.html" class="post-title">Java convert LocalDateTime to Instant using ZoneId</a>
              <span class="post-description">How to convert from LocalDateTime to Instant using ZoneId without ZoneOffset in Java 8 Time APIs</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/postels-law.html" class="post-title">Postel's Law</a>
              <span class="post-description">A good yardstick to increase developer sanity</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/check-if-your-request-body-is-compressed.html" class="post-title">Check if your request body is compressed</a>
              <span class="post-description">Make sure to know what is the default request body compression setting in your http library is</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/prevent-back-navigation-to-login-screen.html" class="post-title">Prevent back navigation to login screen</a>
              <span class="post-description">The guide to correct way of preventing back navigation to login screens once user is logged-in</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/keep-android-screen-on-when-usb-connected.html" class="post-title">Keep Android screen on When USB is connected</a>
              <span class="post-description">Use the command `adb shell svc power stayon usb`</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/write-custom-android-lint-rule-manifest-file.html" class="post-title">Write Custom Android Lint Rule - Manifest File</a>
              <span class="post-description">Writing our own custom android lint rules for verifying AndroidManifest file.</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/write-custom-android-lint-rule-layout-files.html" class="post-title">Write Custom Android Lint Rule - Layout Files</a>
              <span class="post-description">Writing our own custom android lint rules for verifying layout files.</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/dart-extensions-methods.html" class="post-title">Dart Extension Methods</a>
              <span class="post-description">An overview of extension methods in Dart and how they can be useful</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/p-vs-np-algorithm-problem-types.html" class="post-title">P vs NP Algorithm Problem Types</a>
              <span class="post-description">I finally wrapped my head around the differences between P vs NP vs NP-Complete problems</span>
      <div class="period">
        <h2 class="period-title">2019 (10)</h2>

        <div class="post-list">
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/record-linux-terminal-session.html" class="post-title">Record Linux terminal session</a>
              <span class="post-description">How to record your linux terminal session to work on later.</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/sync-git-fork-with-upstream.html" class="post-title">Sync git fork with upstream</a>
              <span class="post-description">This is a simple guide on how to sync your fork of a git/github project with upstream changes.</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/how-to-add-latest-post-redirect-to-jekyll-site.html" class="post-title">How to add "latest" post redirect to Jekyll site</a>
              <span class="post-description">I wanted to add a URL to my site which will always redirect the visitor to the latest blog post I have published at that time.</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/javascript-30-array-cardio-1.html" class="post-title">JavaScript 30 - Array Cardio 1</a>
              <span class="post-description">Day 4 of JS30 challenge, today we worked with various methods on array and I learned one nifty trick of displaying them in console.</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/javascript-30-css-variables.html" class="post-title">JavaScript 30 - CSS Variables</a>
              <span class="post-description">Day 3 of JS30 challenge where I built an analog clock with CSS and animate its changes using JS and CSS.</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/javascript-30-css-analog-clock.html" class="post-title">JavaScript 30 - CSS Analog Clock</a>
              <span class="post-description">Day 2 of JS30 challenge where I built an analog clock with CSS and animate its changes using JS and CSS.</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/javascript-30-building-a-drum-kit.html" class="post-title">JavaScript 30 - Building a Drum Kit</a>
              <span class="post-description">I started the JavaScript30 challenge from Wes Bos today and learnt how to build a simple drum-kit.</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/switching-rxjava-schedulers-between-app-code-and-corresponding-tests.html" class="post-title">Switching RxJava schedulers between app code and corresponding tests</a>
              <span class="post-description">A simple way to switch between using appropriate schedulers in app code and using trampoline schedulers for tests.</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/make-git-forget-a-tracked-file.html" class="post-title">Make git forget a tracked file</a>
              <span class="post-description">What to do when you are tracking a file with git but then want to remove it from VCS while keeping it in your file system.</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/dont-worry-about-specializing-yet.html" class="post-title">Don't worry about specializing yet!</a>
              <span class="post-description">What technologies should I be learning, so that they prove helpful in my career?</span>

    © 2023 🚀 Varun Barad
