Varun Barad

This website is going under a redesign slowly

Blog (#programming)

#book-highlights #android #medicine #tools #programming #personal-growth #rx-java #web #javascript-30 #flutter #dart #life-hack #privacy #miscellaneous #interesting #fitness #cheat-sheet #til #javascript #project #python #wracker #typractice #computers #all


🐍 Packaging my first Python tool
My experience of packaging my first Python tool


⚖️ Wracker Dev Log #003
Adding a graph and moving away from django

⌨️ Paragraph performance summaries
I added a chart to show your progress over time

⌨️ Showing historical statistics
I added a chart to show your progress over time

⚖️ Wracker Dev Log #002
My experience making a usable form and working with HTML <table> for the first time

📝 Custom 404 in Express
TIL: How to return custom response for a 404 in Express on NodeJS

⌨️ Typractice
A simple website to practice your typing

📝 Using emoji as a favicon
TIL: How to write a simple SVG which renders an emoji as a favicon

⚖️ Wracker Dev Log #001
How I headbutted with Django setup the whole day for it to finally click around midnight

📝 Save dependency list of your python project to a file
TIL: How to do for python what we get with `dependencies` in npm `package.json`

Group posts by year in Jekyll using Liquid
You can use the `group_by_exp` filter in Liquid to group posts by year

Contacts Calendar
A website which lets you export a calendar of important dates from your Google Contacts


Improvement Roll
A tiny website to suggest you useful things to do in down-time


Java convert LocalDateTime to Instant using ZoneId
How to convert from LocalDateTime to Instant using ZoneId without ZoneOffset in Java 8 Time APIs

Postel's Law
A good yardstick to increase developer sanity

Check if your request body is compressed
Make sure to know what is the default request body compression setting in your http library is

Prevent back navigation to login screen
The guide to correct way of preventing back navigation to login screens once user is logged-in

Keep Android screen on When USB is connected
Use the command `adb shell svc power stayon usb`

Write Custom Android Lint Rule - Manifest File
Writing our own custom android lint rules for verifying AndroidManifest file.

Write Custom Android Lint Rule - Layout Files
Writing our own custom android lint rules for verifying layout files.

Dart Extension Methods
An overview of extension methods in Dart and how they can be useful

P vs NP Algorithm Problem Types
I finally wrapped my head around the differences between P vs NP vs NP-Complete problems


Record Linux terminal session
How to record your linux terminal session to work on later.

Sync git fork with upstream
This is a simple guide on how to sync your fork of a git/github project with upstream changes.

How to add "latest" post redirect to Jekyll site
I wanted to add a URL to my site which will always redirect the visitor to the latest blog post I have published at that time.

JavaScript 30 - Array Cardio 1
Day 4 of JS30 challenge, today we worked with various methods on array and I learned one nifty trick of displaying them in console.

JavaScript 30 - CSS Variables
Day 3 of JS30 challenge where I built an analog clock with CSS and animate its changes using JS and CSS.

JavaScript 30 - CSS Analog Clock
Day 2 of JS30 challenge where I built an analog clock with CSS and animate its changes using JS and CSS.

JavaScript 30 - Building a Drum Kit
I started the JavaScript30 challenge from Wes Bos today and learnt how to build a simple drum-kit.

Switching RxJava schedulers between app code and corresponding tests
A simple way to switch between using appropriate schedulers in app code and using trampoline schedulers for tests.

Make git forget a tracked file
What to do when you are tracking a file with git but then want to remove it from VCS while keeping it in your file system.

Don't worry about specializing yet!
What technologies should I be learning, so that they prove helpful in my career?