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    <a href="/">Varun Barad</a>
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    <p style="margin: 0; padding: 8px; text-align: center; color: #ffffff44;">This website is going under a redesign slowly</p>

  <h1>Blog (#til)</h1>

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  <div class="periods-wrapper">
      <div class="period">
        <h2 class="period-title">2024 (4)</h2>

        <div class="post-list">
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/til-git-author-committer.html" class="post-title">📝 Specifying different author and committer in git</a>
              <span class="post-description">TIL: How to specify different author and committer for a commit in git</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/til-ffmpeg-delay-subtitles.html" class="post-title">📝 Delay subtitles using ffmpeg</a>
              <span class="post-description">TIL: How to delay all subtitles in a file by a fixed amount using ffmpeg</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/til-remove-pdf-password.html" class="post-title">📝 Remove password from PDF files using qpdf</a>
              <span class="post-description">TIL: If you know the password then you can remove it from PDF files using qpdf</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/til-echo-without-newline.html" class="post-title">📝 Outputting text with echo without a newline</a>
              <span class="post-description">TIL: How to output text with echo without a newline at the end of it</span>
      <div class="period">
        <h2 class="period-title">2023 (14)</h2>

        <div class="post-list">
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/til-postgresql-make-existing-column-non-nullable.html" class="post-title">📝 PostgreSQL: Mark a column non-nullable after creating it</a>
              <span class="post-description">TIL: How to add a not null constraint to an existing column in a PostgreSQL table</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/til-postgresql-make-existing-column-unique.html" class="post-title">📝 PostgreSQL: Make a column unique after creating it</a>
              <span class="post-description">TIL: How to add unique constraint to an existing column in a PostgreSQL table</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/til-avoid-ds-store.html" class="post-title">📝 Avoid .DS_Store files on removable media</a>
              <span class="post-description">TIL: Settings change on Mac to avoid having .DS_Store files being created on USB and Network shares</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/remove-ds-store-files.html" class="post-title">📝 Recursively remove .DS_Store files</a>
              <span class="post-description">TIL: Shell command to recursively remove .DS_Store files</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/til-handle-404-node-express.html" class="post-title">📝 Custom 404 in Express</a>
              <span class="post-description">TIL: How to return custom response for a 404 in Express on NodeJS</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/emoji-as-favicon.html" class="post-title">📝 Using emoji as a favicon</a>
              <span class="post-description">TIL: How to write a simple SVG which renders an emoji as a favicon</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/til-python-save-dependency-list.html" class="post-title">📝 Save dependency list of your python project to a file</a>
              <span class="post-description">TIL: How to do for python what we get with `dependencies` in npm `package.json`</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/til-postgres-map-array.html" class="post-title">📝 Map an array of ids in postgres to matching data from another table</a>
              <span class="post-description">TIL: How to map an array in postgres to other data</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/til-postgres-days-between-dates.html" class="post-title">📝 Counting days between 2 dates in PostgreSQL</a>
              <span class="post-description">TIL: You can use the extract function to find difference in days between 2 dates</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/til-postgres-first-in-each-group.html" class="post-title">📝 Find the first entry in each group</a>
              <span class="post-description">TIL: How to get the first entry from each group given a sort order</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/til-navigate-path-mac-finder.html" class="post-title">📝 Navigate to a path in Mac Finder</a>
              <span class="post-description">TIL: How to navigate to a given system path without clicking through folders</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/til-most-used-commands.html" class="post-title">📝 Most used commands</a>
              <span class="post-description">TIL: How to view your most used terminal commands on a Mac</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/til-wget-custom-filename.html" class="post-title">📝 wget with custom filename</a>
              <span class="post-description">TIL: How to download a file with wget to a custom filename</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/til-heap-dump-from-jvm.html" class="post-title">📝 Taking a heap-dump from a running JVM process</a>
              <span class="post-description">TIL: How to take heap-dump from a running JVM process</span>
      <div class="period">
        <h2 class="period-title">2022 (4)</h2>

        <div class="post-list">
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/til-figma-styles-unavailable-in-api.html" class="post-title">📝 Figma styles not present in the API response</a>
              <span class="post-description">TIL: Why Figma returns empty styles in API and how to fix it</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/til-authentication-with-wget.html" class="post-title">📝 Authentication with wget</a>
              <span class="post-description">TIL: How to provide username and password for simple authentication when downloading files using wget</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/til-regex-non-capturing-groups.html" class="post-title">📝 How to make non-capturing groups in RegEx</a>
              <span class="post-description">TIL: What are non-capturing groups and how we can use them</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/til-indias-national-aquatic-animal.html" class="post-title">📝 India's national aquatic animal</a>
              <span class="post-description">TIL: India has a species of dolphin as its national aquatic animal.</span>
      <div class="period">
        <h2 class="period-title">2021 (10)</h2>

        <div class="post-list">
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/til-list-files-in-a-git-commit.html" class="post-title">📝 List files updated in a git commit</a>
              <span class="post-description">TIL: How to see a list of files updated in a git commit</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/til-centering-elements-with-css.html" class="post-title">📝 Centering elements with CSS</a>
              <span class="post-description">TIL: How to center (horizontally and vertically) elements with CSS.</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/til-resizing-images-from-command-line.html" class="post-title">📝 Resizing images from command-line</a>
              <span class="post-description">TIL: Resizing images from command-line while centering them and adding a transparent background.</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/comparing-two-BigDecimal-instances.html" class="post-title">📝 Comparing two BigDecimal instances</a>
              <span class="post-description">TIL: Turns out that 7.5.toBigDecimal() and 7.50.toBigDecimal() are not equal</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/til-castle-under-threat.html" class="post-title">📝 Castle Under Threat</a>
              <span class="post-description">TIL: You cannot castle your king in chess if king's path is under threat</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/til-ugh-fields.html" class="post-title">📝 Ugh fields</a>
              <span class="post-description">TIL: What are "ugh fields" and why everyone should atleast know about them.</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/til-opening-current-terminal-command-in-editor.html" class="post-title">📝 Opening current terminal command in $EDITOR</a>
              <span class="post-description">TIL: Ctrl+X followed by Ctrl+E opens the command you are currently editing in your $EDITOR program</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/til-google-gives-refresh-token-only-once.html" class="post-title">📝 Google gives refresh token only once</a>
              <span class="post-description">TIL: Google doesn't return refresh token on subsequent authentication after the first one.</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/til-javascript-can-throw-the-table.html" class="post-title">📝 JavaScript can "throw" the table</a>
              <span class="post-description">TIL: JavaScript can throw anything</span>
            <p class="post-item">
              <a href="/blog/til-css-support-browser-dark-mode-preference.html" class="post-title">📝 CSS support for browser dark-mode preference</a>
              <span class="post-description">TIL: How to support dark-mode preference of browser via CSS</span>

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