Varun Barad

This website is going under a redesign slowly

Blog (#web)

#book-highlights #android #medicine #tools #programming #personal-growth #rx-java #web #javascript-30 #flutter #dart #life-hack #privacy #miscellaneous #interesting #fitness #cheat-sheet #til #javascript #project #python #wracker #typractice #computers #all


⌨️ Paragraph performance summaries
I added a chart to show your progress over time

⌨️ Showing historical statistics
I added a chart to show your progress over time

⌨️ Typractice
A simple website to practice your typing

Contacts Calendar
A website which lets you export a calendar of important dates from your Google Contacts


Improvement Roll
A tiny website to suggest you useful things to do in down-time


How to add "latest" post redirect to Jekyll site
I wanted to add a URL to my site which will always redirect the visitor to the latest blog post I have published at that time.

JavaScript 30 - Array Cardio 1
Day 4 of JS30 challenge, today we worked with various methods on array and I learned one nifty trick of displaying them in console.

JavaScript 30 - CSS Variables
Day 3 of JS30 challenge where I built an analog clock with CSS and animate its changes using JS and CSS.

JavaScript 30 - CSS Analog Clock
Day 2 of JS30 challenge where I built an analog clock with CSS and animate its changes using JS and CSS.

JavaScript 30 - Building a Drum Kit
I started the JavaScript30 challenge from Wes Bos today and learnt how to build a simple drum-kit.